
Hate The Hard Sell- Here Is A Better And Easier Way To Get Rich In The Car Business - Part 1

Hate The Hard Sell? Here Is A Better And Easier Way To Get Rich In The Car Business - Part 1

Hate The Hard Sell? Here Is A Better And Easier Way To Get Rich In The Car Business - Part 1

A common trait we've noticed among several dealers lately is burnout.

Dealers are burnt out with the auto business, they are burnt out with chasing prospects and they're sick to death of forcing outcomes just to stay alive. There is simply no light at the end of the tunnel. Success feels light years away.

So what's the cause of all this burnout?

The main reason for this is that the traditional method of doing business in the car industry is broken. The conventional ways of marketing and attracting leads no longer work.

So in reality, success IS light years for the dealer still utilizing conventional lead generation and consumer attraction strategies. How could you run a business whilst chasing down prospects, making countless calls, pushing for meetings, clinging to the hard sell and forcing outcomes all at the same time?

You cannot... and that is the reason most dealers are going under right now.

So what works? What can you do to refresh your efforts and start attracting customers to your store?

It all begins by understanding things from your prospects' perspective.

You see, when traditional client attraction means are utilized in the car business, the experience is as equally uncomfortable and unnatural for your prospects and customers as it is for you.

The customer is on the receiving end of your manual brute force efforts and often feels like an animal being chased by an amateur hunter that won't give up the fight. They feel pressured, hounded and beaten... and finally a weak few may give in and move forward. But the greater part would run, and stay away for life.

This doesn't just relate to your personal sales effort either. Your external marketing is doing an similarly brutal hack-job on your personal brand and on your prospects' or customers' belief of you. Interrupting them, bombarding them and puzzling them, not to mention wasting their precious time is no way to build an authentic relationship.

You do not require a degree in marketing psychology to see how you're sabotaging your efforts by doing the kinds of promotion and hard selling practices as I touched on above. You are just working against yourself-alienating more people than you draw in... which of course makes for a horrible base line each month.

But here is the scary part.

The expense of this forced, unfocused and barbaric approach is huge. Prepare yourself. It's hideous, it is frightening and it is familiar. More work, more waste (both time and money), more frustration and lower gross. All of which means you put less money in your pocket, children's academy fund and retirement account.

When you utilize the traditional approach and it isn't working the symptoms you experience are more time spent working every week, more marketing that does not produce results, less money to operate and grow and a lot more disappointment and frustration.

Finally you lose-either by getting so burnt out that you can't go on any longer or your dealership is forced to close because it cannot maintain it's operating budget.

