Whether you drive a new Nissan or a used a Nissan Juke, during the festive period you will probably try to make lots of excuses not to visit family. A broken down car or bad weather is a very common excuse amongst us Brits. But, this year Nissan have made that excuse very questionable, Nissan dealers are offering a free winter health check along with a variety of winter tyres.
The period between Christmas day and the New Year is often used to re-charge our batteries and catch up with family and friends. Bad weather or a broken down car should not stop you. Nissan dealers are offering this health check free of charge and only require you to pre book your appointment. The free health check will cover elements such as exhaust system, front brake pads/shoes, tyre tread depth and brake and other fluid levels.
Along with the free winter health check and winter tyres Nissan has also released some winter driving tips to help its customers get around during the festive season. Some of the Nissan tips include:
? Don?t just rely on the radio for announcements about accidents, road closures, and gritting status. Use modern methods such as Twitter to hear the latest updates. Many councils and the Highways Agency have ?Twitter Gritter? feeds to tell followers the latest information on road conditions.
? Top up the washer fluid bottle while it is warmer ? I tend to do this in October, but make sure you use a higher concentration of fluid to water than usual, to prevent freezing. Then give the washers a good squirt so the stronger fluid can reach the pipes and nozzle.
? Driving in snow and icy conditions can be very dangerous so judge your speed carefully, but remember not to drive too slowly or you?ll lose your momentum, especially up hills.
? Black ice is invisible, and can be deadly. When the temperature dips, be especially wary of roads alongside misty, open fields. If you see an accident, car-shaped hole in a hedge or fresh crumpled car debris up ahead in the road, slow to a crawling pace ? it could have been caused by slippery roads.
? If you have a vehicle with four-wheel drive, don't get overconfident and rely on its abilities to get you out of a problem. The traction and force created by all four wheels driving instead of two helps you get going, but does not help you stop any faster or steer any better.
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